Monday, October 3, 2011

10/3 Medieval Literature Web Quest

EQ: How did the events of the Battle of Hastings impact the continuity and change of the world today?

Activator: Predict what the most important event in English history was.

Teaching Strategy

Medieval Literature WebQuest
Six groups of four.  Three stations required for each group: The Battle of Hastings, The Feudal System, and The Protestant Reformation.
At the station, students must complete their study guide using the media provided them.

The following are the links to use to assist in the WebQuest:e P

The Battle of Hastings
BBC Two: Battle of Hastings Video
Wikipedia: The Battle of Hastings 1066

The Feudal System
Medieval Mind: Power Part 1

The Protestant Reformation
The Politics of Belief Part 1
The Protestant Reformation

Study Guide Review

Read Chaucer and Canterbury Tales General Prologue (138-142) Stop at "To Canterbury, as you heard me say."
Take NOTES!  Quiz Tomorrow! 

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